Ecopack Compostable Biodegradable Bin Liners

$4.80$222.25 +gst

Ecopack compostable bin liner range is designed to breakdown in approximately 90 – 180 days depending on compost environment (please note that they will not break down adequately if sent to landfill). Composting results in organic components being released (carbon dioxide and water) with no harmful residues left behind.

SKU: EPLCOM Categories: , ,


These bin liners contain GMO-free corn starch, PLA and PBAT and are suitable for both commercial and home composting. They’re designed to hold organic matter (like food scraps, garden trimmings and waste paper) and be disposed of in a composting environment – thus diverting waste away from landfill.

A perfect fit for your extra large home kitchen bins, garage bins, and commercial bins.

Certification standards achieved:

✓ Australasian Bioplastics Association Seedling Compostable Standard AS4736-2006 (ABAP 10113)

✓ Australasian Bioplastics Association Home Compostable Standard AS5810-2010 (ABAP 20047)

✓ Din Certco European and North American Composting Standard DIN EN 13432:2000-12 & ASTM D 6400:2012-01 (7P0487)

✓ TUV Austria OK Compost Home & Industrial Standards (S0335)

✓ BPI Industrial Composting Standard ASTM D6400 (9001058-2)